2019-07 July
FGCC rides in July 2019
Saturday 6th July 08.00am ride
Another shortish ride proposed due to limited time available. Sunny weather drew ideas towards the coast with a compromise between going via Lancing College or Lyons Farm, with JR claiming that he knew the route down from Lancing ring through North Lancing. Strava tracking report says it all ref the descent from Lancing ring section:

Having found the coast the usual route back to Findon along the sea front – tide out and excellent views along the coast – to Grand Avenue, W.Worthing station, Findon valley gallops and to the new Dee Dee’s for a trial brek. Good value but would be better if better ingredients (e.g. Peckham’s sausages and bacons) used and service not quite so slow. It’s new so let’s see how it develops.
Total 15.5 miles 763 ft.
Saturday 13th July 08.00am ride
A hot day in prospect meant that we had the pleasure of the company of the Flying Brit as it would not be a good day for selling melted chocolate.
Henfield brek selected. Lion trail proposed as it was dry, with the option of a split peloton if anyone didn’t want to go that way, but in the event all elected to go for it. Very dry conditions so a fast and exciting drop with no incidents. Usual Downslink to Henfield for a splendid brek with PT producing marmite especially for TK’s toast. PT then offered jam if anyone wanted it, but RT said that he would have preferred marmalade, at which point PT searched in his bag and duly produced a jar of marmalade – not just any old marmalade but a small jar of Tiptree, Wilkins & Sons version.
After the brek PT decided that he would prefer to cycle home to Horsham as it was a little less uphill and the peloton split accordingly, with the rest returning to Findon via the Coombes and Cissbury
TOTAL: PT – 22.5 miles and 1,370 ft (Satmap)
Peloton – 22.5 miles and 1,570 ft (Strava)
TAMIT: PT stock of spreads
Saturday 20th July 08.00am ride
KBS was out for a ride again as he felt that the Shoreham market that day would not be particularly productive for him, so we decided to do a Shoreham loop instead but via Charmandean for a trek at Shoreham airport. Cissbury and down past the golf course on very slippery green chalk on occasions to Charmandean, with PT experiencing a blasteet towards the end of the drop. Having repaired it the same tyre went down within a couple of hundred yards or so. Replacing the tube altogether with a new on we then went on to Broadwater roundabout and down South Farm Road as JR felt that this would be the quietest and safest route to the coast. However and event on Broadwater green meant that traffic was diverted down South Farm road so not quite so quiet. On down to the coast observing all the houses that JR had once lived in and then past the new ferris wheel and on along the sea front to Shoreham. With the wind behind him the Flying Brit took off leading from in front – old habits die hard – missing the turning off for the airport and then the turning for the Shoreham footbridge no doubt ending up at the east end of Shoreham beach. The rest of the peloton, having split temporarily, regrouped at the footbridge, at which point PT discovered that his other wheel now had a blasteet. While we were repairing this KBS finally reappeared. Setting off again he was told specifically that we would be going across the footbridge, turning left to go to the roundabout by the Adur bridge, over the Adur bridge and then right into the airport. In spite of this he would have headed off up towards the A27 rather than going over the Adur bridge, had RT not been close behind to stop him from doing so.
Excellent brek at the airport as usual with PT this time producing a jar of Patum Peperium, leading to a discussion on standards as the container is now plastic rather than white glass as used to be the case. The Flying Brit was tested with this to see if he had become British, a not very convincing approval of the relish leading to questions as to whether he still had a little way to go. Return via Lancing College, Lancing ring and round to Cissbury and Findon. ZA had to press on ahead in order to complete a list of tasks that had been given to him by his better half, reinforced by reminders from his daughter – a man under double authority!
Total: 19.1 miles and 1,070 feet
TAMITS: KBS showing signs of having not truly become British due to relapsing into his old habit of following from in front as well as not having given a suitably approving reaction to the Patum Peperium.
Saturday 27th July 08.00am ride
PT reports:
A peleton of four gathered at Pond Green in light rain, to:
a) say a few solemn words on the interment of JR’s cycling shorts in Pond Green Bin, and to welcome their less-ventilated replacements, which did sterling service in preserving the Roche modesty;
b) to congratulate all concerned at the recent nuptial festivities of Hattie and Richard A; and
c) discuss a route.
Having resolved to climb Highdown, JR, RT, ZA and PT set off up Long Furlong. Passing Tolmare, Lee Farm and Myrtle grove we entered Angmering woods. ZA took his leave at about 4.5 miles to return to domestic exigencies, but the remaining three continued south and emerged at Hammerpot on the A24. By road to Titnore Lane, then up to Highdown Hill for a fine brek.

Return to Findon via Durrington and the Gallops. Only 14 miles, but 1387 feet climbed, says Satmap

Contrary to JR’s long held conviction, it has become apparent that, following his retirement from active duty, the efficacy of having in the peleton a man of the cloth to ensure benign weather is somewhat reduced. We were rained on from start to finish.
A soggy but enjoyable ride.
Total: 14 miles and 1,387 ft – Satmap
: 14 miles and 1,171 ft – Strava.