1998 Annals
Notes on rides for 1998 season
10 January ride
ZA AM RT PT PP Stable lane, and nearly to Chanctonbury then along the SDW to Langmead to admire Phillip’s cleated pedal system (and not just to be nice to him on his debut ride). Down puncture lane and back over Cissbury. Sunny, wind from SW
18 January TREK’N’BREK Broadbanks
AM ZA RT PT JR PP; EN for brek Taking the A24 and heading through Muntham up to the SDW, we got as far as Chantry car park when the deflating effect of RT’s puncture finally exceeded his power to pump up the tyre. Finishing the repair as others proceeded to the tank, PT and RT had just enough time to discover and mend a hole in PT’s tyre when they returned. Frozen fingers, due to lack of shelter from southerly wind. All back via the outward route for a bumper brek chez Mead.
24 January ride
ZA AM RT PP PT Richard Allen Sunny, dry, cold wind. Up Muntham drive to SDW, then left after the Tank turnoff; down a bumpy track to a copse. Right to skirt the copse, then Left past ZA’s falling-off place and Left at the top of the rise to descend through Lee Farm. ZA & RA then continue on the road, and the rest struggle through deep horse trodden mud to Myrtle grove. RT speeds off at Myrtle Grove, then AM speeds off at Tolmare, both pressed for time due to domestic commitments. PP breaks chain at Tolmare and announces intention to walk home, due to lack of a chain tool. He clearly didn’t fully realise whom he was with (or should that be “with whom he was?”). However, completing the repair of the PP chain, PT finds 4 broken rear spokes of his own and as PP proceeds apace PT walks to Long Furlong. Home eventually at 10:15.
31 January ride
DT PT PP Chris Budd DT and PT having tarried somewhat in lubricated discussion the previous evening, a shortish ride was mooted. Setting off up to and over Cissbury, the rutted section after Richard’s Hole claimed DT, who executed a majestically slow roll to the right in the mud. PP attacked the steep rise, while the rest took the right-hand track. Descending the surfaced road into Lychpole Farm, we climbed up the eastern slope of Cissbury to admire the view, virtually devoid of man-made blemish. Cold, but dry and calm, although the grass was soft and muddy in parts. Chris expressed himself pleased that the ride was short, but one suspects false modesty and hidden reserves. 7.5 miles
7 February TREK’N’BREK Pelynt Cottage
ZA MA CB AM PP JR PT RT, EN* The first of the season at 7:30 caught AM unawares, and only by a scramble did he beat the ten minute rule. Eight set off up and over Long furlong by road to the pumping station, and then right to Myrtle grove and Lee farm. Riding in the shadow, the sunlight falling on Lee farm was heartening. Off road started at Lee farm with the long ascent to the Tank, views from this stretch being seen as if anew, since usually we descend this stretch and keep eyes fixed on the ground to keep from falling off. Returning along the SDW with bright sun in our eyes, we descended via Muntham and the A24 to Pelynt Cottage, where Julie was ready to meet us with an ample brek, affording convivial conversation and a chance to toast and get to know PP and CB, the newest converts. 12 miles
14 February ride
AM PP + ? A thoroughly splendid effort, completing the four peaks anticlockwise.
21 February ride
PT RT CB Roger’s farm, through to the Gallops, along the A27 and up Cote Street to return to Findon down the Furlong
28 February ride
AM ZA Of a stronger disposition than the other members of the FGCC, this sturdy pair were able to contemplate cycling despite a truly monumental Gala Evening chez RT the previous night. Effortlessly ascending Cissbury, a circuitous route proceeded along the Steyning road to the Langmeads memorial, and took the dynamic duo to Chanctonbury and across the A24 to pass ‘behind’ Windlesham School and Muntham Farm before sanity prevailed and a return to the respective familial bosoms was contemplated.
7 March ride
AM RT CB The trio being clearly enamoured of the prospect of approaching the nether regions of Windlesham School via a labyrinthine progress taking in Cissbury and Chanctonbury, a ride to be referred to henceforth as the two-and-a-half-peaks was born. The ride proved a worthy vehicle for learned dissertation on the subject of a (timely) replacement for RT’s venerated but solid steed, rumoured to have been cast from ingots of pure iron mixed with lead, the casting process supervised by none other than the legendary I K Brunel himself between constructing God’s Own Railway and several seagoing marvels of the ironmonger’s art. A memorial service is to be arranged by appointment with the vicar, at which RT’s bike should be interred (phonetic joke there: the bike had been in … many times already) for the last time. We await with dread RT’s cultured tones extolling the virtue of the front suspension that none of the others of us has.
13/14 March – Downslink overnight to Cranleigh
ZA JR PT, CC, MA AM RT; EN DR A logistical marvel, run with the usual precision now renowned as the hallmark of an FGCC event. ZA and JR call at Cranford to leave bags, but unexpectedly collect PT. Setting of at 2:25ish, the three reach the downslink at 3:06. JR then delays progress but avoids total dishonour by retreiving the priceless medals so carelessly strewn about the Adur valley by a neglected rucksack zip. After fixing a puncture at Henfield, we reached Southwater and became a quartet, with CC (now fuelled on rock buns and tea) joining the entourage. JR puncture – resist temptation at Baynards – wading through lake under bridge – eschew cash machine – hose down by DR – ZA hat out all night – ZA out – oiling session – PT in deep water – meet RT (on new bike) MA and AM at Christs hosp and Bax Castle – lunch at Copsale with MA extracted, ZA AM return to Findon by road for Prom Praise trip; JR PT RT CC continue, with CC going for the Golden Bum some of the time – detour for PT’s hat – wait at A272 – road stretch from Partridge Green to Llama lane – back to Findon at 3:45 – 62.5 miles covered, mostly in mud.
21 March ride
CB DT JR PP PT RT Up the furlong to turn left up Church hill, accompanied by merrie crunching from PT’s front sprocket, and down through dryish Clapham woods to speed down to the A24. Along to and up Cote Street over the top of Church Hill, and down behind Roger’s farm at a terrifying speed trying to catch up with PP (the Kamikaze spirit lives on!). 28 March ride ZA CB PP While PT toiled in the bike repair cellar to excise the front chainset for replacement, the three stalwarts sailed up to the top of Chanctonbury via the A24, the right turn north of Findon Park Farm drive, and the long track with the islands in it. Sweping majestically on to the Langmead memorial, the return to Findon was via Cissbury car park and road.
28 Mar 1998
ZA PP CB et al? A24, up Chanctonbury the long way, to Langmead memorial, then back to Findon via Cissbury
04 Apr 1998
JR CB PT ZA; To South Fork via nepcote, then through Gifford’s and up towards Chanctonbury, cut right to Langmead and down puncture alley. Back over Cissbury, JR and CC repairing to the valley coffee shop for brek.
11 Apr 1998
PT DT CB RT; A24 Muntham to SDW & tank; back via SDW and left before Muntham to rejoin A24 at new bridge. DT vocally upset about the mud.
18 Apr 1998 – The 3 Cathedrals sponsored ride ; Guildford Rochester Canterbury
ZA JR PT AM RT ride; EN and DR man LSV

15 May 1998
Lewes Ride – meet @ Truleigh Hill YHA 17.30. New Bike.
22 Aug 1998 Trek’n’brek 7 Fox Lea
CB & PP rode; JR RT ZA AM MA PT & DT rode & brekked; EN brekked. Up Furlong to Church Hill & Clapham woods to A27, then Cote street. Cross Furlong to Collarbone alley, Muntham farm and A24. Hols in France – Dr Clark & I Leclerc?
05 Sep 1998
PT RT CB AM ZA. Stable Lane, turn L off Monarch’s way to Chanctonbury. Politicians (ptooey). Back down to A24 & past fire station. Cloud on hilltops
18 Sep 1998 Ride to Reg’s – REG5 – Project manager RT – CB PP ZA JR RT PT AM EN DR