2008.09 September

September 2008 FGCC rides
Sat 6 7.30am
FL, RT and KBS, took the route up to Chanctonbury via Gifford’s. Kim suggested a sheltered route along a newly opened single track from the top of Llama lane but we had to return after 100 meters as FL found the many roots too intimidating. Instead we headed towards Langmead and down to the very bottom. On our way back to Cissbury we experienced five minutes of summer when the sun came out.

ZA endeavoured to join Le Peleton this am but a slightly late imbibing of a rather fine malt, given to him by one Andrew Mead meant that he arrived at The Square a tad too late. However he did venture up (braving a downpour) to Gallops Fm – Pest Hse – Chanctonbury – Langmead – Cissbury – Butcher’s Shop to buy bacon(s) for a solo brek.

RT writes:
Sorry we missed you.
Addition to the anals.
Although I thought we obeyed the 10 minute rule M le Bas was keen to get going on the ride, so we might have gone a little too early.
I soon discovered the reason for his eagerness to depart – revenge for last Tuesday’s observations at the VH. M le Bas was aware that I had my summer tyres and suggested that we head towards the North side of Chanctonbury, commenting that said tyres would be fine. However, instead of taking the route that he had promoted, he suddenly started down Llama lane and veered off to the right. Whilst I was going to accept the challenge, Francois came to my rescue, protesting at the slippery root-strewn path, so we decided to turn back, and followed the route as stated in an earlier email.
Instead of his attempt at revenge via his covered route (he didn’t have any wet-weather gear) M le Bas had to endure the open countryside where we were subjected to sudden downpours – I was OK, thank you! So you see, Kim, if you hadn’t been so keen for revenge and had not set off so quickly, Zach would have been able to join us and we would have had fine weather.”
Sat 13 7.30am Saturday ride
PT ZA FL and CB assembled in the sunshine, and decided on the west side of Cissbury. So up to the car park, west and south of the ring, and down a very slippery walk to the bottom of the valley, then a climb over Tennant’s Hill to Lychpole Farm. Northward, then west to regain cissbury car park and the Square. A short ride, due to time constraints. Sheep Fair day reminiscences, of sheep being unloaded in contrast to trinket stalls being erected. 8.4 miles

Sat 20 7.30am Saturday ride
MA RT and PT headed up to the SDWand over Kithurst Hill, turning south to skirt west of Myrtle Grove and down to Angmering Woods, then east to Patching and Clapham, up to Church Hill then past the Salvington mast to descend Mill lane and cross the Gallops to safe haven in the Lingalonga. Beautiful sunny day, misty at start. 17.8 miles