2019-11 November
Findon Gentlemen’s Cycling Club rides in November 2019
Saturday 2nd November 08.00am ride
Strong winds and rain in the forecast, with the rugby world cup taking place, today saw only three intrepid riders out. The intention was to do a reverse 4 peaks with the option of returning home at any point if the weather or other reasons demanded. However, start was delayed when MA realised that he had arrived without helmet, gloves and waterproof jacket, but RT had spares so a diversion to Nepcroft saw MA suitably clad. A few drops of rain as we ascended Church Hill but it ceased as we headed over towards the High Barn sped along by the wind behind us. At the suggestion of the Flying Brit we headed off right up the hill across the field just before High Barn. At this point the wind picked up for a very fast ascent, but the joy was somewhat dampened by a massive downpour which soon turned to hail, feeling like being sandblasted with large grit. By the time we had got to the bottom of the hill we had proven that our so-called waterproofs were not waterproof and the decision was taken to return home via Windlesham. A frozen MA decided to skip a brek and head straight home, whilst RT/KBS had a brek in DeeDees having found it almost impossible to get into the VH to join other gentlemen of the FGCC (ZA, TK, JR).
Total 9 miles and 785 ft.
Saturday 9th November 08.00am ride
A crisp morning but with JR appearing in shorts cleaning not to be cold – ok still working on the beer blanket from the night before.
A shortish 2.5 peaks ride proposed as Mr Roche needed to get back to assist with preparations at the school for fireworks night, Up Cissbury and over to Chanctonbury to witness a glorious scene with the sun out and views over misty valley below:

Down to the A24 without mishap in spite of the slippery conditions then round Windlesham and up to collarbone alley (maintenance needed there) and to the top of church hill. Continued to Salvington and then down the road to take the gallops track back to Rogers Farm and Findon Garden Centre for a brek.
Total: 11.2 miles and 976 ft climbed
Saturday 16th November Trek ‘n Brek to Cherry Tree Cotage (aka Nappy Changing brek
ZA, PT, RK, MA, JR (+ AM for the brek)
A 2.5 peaks ride in order to get to CTC at the appointed time for a brek. Cissburry, Chanctonbury, Windlesham, Muntham and return. A brek at which the latest addition to the growing Allen clan, Spike, was introduced to the FGCC.
Total 8.6 miles and 844 ft climbed – Strava
Saturday 23rd November 08.00am ride
Amberley loop ride followed by brek at Findon Garden Centre.
18.2 miles and 1,437 ft climbed
Saturday 30th November 08.00am ride
A morning after an EPM ride so a bit slow. Muntham, High Barn, SDW to top of Kithurst hill, towards Burphan and then the KBS “vroom” track and a left at the end to Lee Farm. Long climb up to Chantry Lane car park and return via Collarbone Alley and the intention of going down the track to the A24 through the crematorium, which ZA followed, with the rest missing the turn and heading down across the field to the junction of A24 and Long Furlong.
Brek at DeeDee’s with a plan to put the various skills of the FGCC to work and fix the juke box there.
ZA commented “Despite the best efforts of the more electronically and mechanically-minded members of the FGCC I believe the ‘Project’ to restore the jukebox at Dee Dee’s had to be put on hold until a more opportune time. Those involved seemed to enjoy exploring the (non-functioning) workings of same though!”
JR added that “A full diagnosis was made of the problem but we need a wiring diagram to finally decide how to cobble the thing back together. Wires were left a kimbo.”

Total 13.4 miles and 1,107ft.