1994 Annals
Notes on rides for 1994 season
23 April ride
AM JR MA ZA. Up to Chanctonbury ring the long way via A24 just north of Findon, traversed to Cissbury and returned to Findon. Lamb catching game. Raining
30 April ride ****Discovery of the tank***
JR PT .Up to SDW via Muntham, west past both car parks, south then fork west to the West of Harrow hill, through Lee farm, back via road to pumping station and Long Furlong. Found Tank about 400m south of SDW after fork. Sunshine on top of downs; mist in valleys. Back home at 10am.
07 May TREK’N’BREK Vicarage
AM JR MA PT ZA. Up to SDW via Long Furlong, along towards Amberley, turn south to tank site, retrace north then turn east and south to Lee farm, over Harrow Hill via bridleway (JR falls in long wet grass), back to pumping station on Long Furlong via road, bridleway behind pumping station, back to Findon on road. Drizzle and mist on top. Brek at Vicarage for 5 at 09:30.
14 May ride
AM JR MA PT TT To Cissbury Ring by road, then South to skirt to the East of the ring to pick up track down valley through golf course to A27. Mark suffers terminal chain failure at top and returns to Findon down road from ring. Along A27 to Cote street, then up to Church hill and down behind Roger’s Farm to Black Horse. Overcast but dry and not cold.
21 May ride
AM JR PT Out of Findon via Long Furlong, Left at top of road then fork right to go down through Clapham Woods to A27 at Holt Farm. Very muddy in woods. Saw group of three walkers. Left at A27, and along to Cote Street then up Cote Street. At top of Cote Street, saw two walkers and concluded they had eaten the third for their breakfast. Came down behind Roger’s Farm (this bit very slippery, due to the 4 constant drizzly rain).
28 May ride
MA PT Up and over Cissbury to the steep bit where the track splits, turn North to pick up SDW by Steyning road, up to memorial and over SDW to Chanctonbury ring. Down by fast track (38 on speedo!!) to A24 and home. Tea at Cranford.
4 June TREK’N’BREK Cranford
EN* JR PT ZA. Up and over Cissbury, pause to watch deer in field next to track, and continue to the steep bit where the track splits. Pause again to attend puncture incident, then proceed in a northerly direction to pick up SDW by Steyning road, up to memorial and turn Left down through No Man’s Land, up to pick up track to top of Stable Lane and into village. EN joined us for brek, with Buck’s Fizz (yum). Steady rain throughout ride.
* denotes came for breakfast only.
11 June ride John turned up alone at 07:30, decided to go to office instead. No ride.
18 June No ride. Midsummer Revels
25 June ride
JR MA. Out of Findon via Long Furlong, Left at top of road then fork right to go down through Clapham Woods to A27 at Holt Farm. Left at A27, and along to Cote Street then up Cote Street. Came down behind Roger’s Farm.
2 July TREK’N’BREK Steep Close (TT)
EN* PT TT ZA. Up to SDW through Muntham Farm, west past both car parks, south to tank. Down bridleway to the W of Harrow hill, through Lee farm and along roadway, back via Myrtle Grove and bridleway to top of Long Furlong. By road along Bypass to Black horse and steep close. EN waiting at Tom’s with fizz again. Warm and humid at start, sunny by 9, brek at 9.30 in sunshine on patio.
9 July ride
JR PT. Out of Findon via Long Furlong, Left at top of road then over Church Hill to descend to A27 via Cote street. Turn round at Happy Eater and retrace route home. Cote street starting to get overhung with thorny foliage. Misty and cool; out at 07:45 and back at 08:30.
16 July ride
JR PT .To Cissbury Ring by road, then North towards Chanctonbury. Turn Left by the bluebell wood to descend into North End. Down past Pest House and up exceedingly steep stretch to cross the track from Chanctonbury. Continue down to North Farm and return along A24. Sunny, out at 07:45 back at 08:30
23 July ride
JR PT JC. To Chanctonbury and back.
30 July ride
JR ZA JC To Chanctonbury and back.
20 August ride
JR PT ZA JC. Up to SDW via Long Furlong, along towards Amberley, turn south to tank site, retrace route home.
27 August ride
JC. To Chanctonbury and back.
3 September TREK’N’BREK Melrose Close
Out of Findon via Long Furlong, Left at top of road then over Church Hill (saw a deer) to descend to A27 via Clapham Woods and Holt Farm. Turn Right on A27 and head towards Titnore Lane. ZA collects a staple and all stop alongside A27 to inhale the invigorating lead fumes while puncture is fixed. Turn Left down Titnore Lane, and then right along edge of woods to join bridleway South to Highdown Hill. Pass by the Miller’s Tomb, and descend to rejoin Titnore Lane to proceed south and east behind Northbrook college into darkest Durrington. It’s great to live in Findon. Superbrek with Ewart’s barbie going full blast, then pile into the previously deployed 7 LSV (Logistic Support Vehicle) and back home by road.
10 September ride
Up to SDW via Long Furlong, along towards Amberley, turn south to tank site, retrace steps to return. Sheep fair day – ZA PT AM all at fair watching sheep arrive.
16/17 September Overnight ride REG1
Up to SDW via Long Furlong, along SDW through Amberley, over to Bignor Hill. Sit on pile of bales eating Jaffa cakes (courtesy ZA) as sun sets. Drop down to meet and cross A285 at Littleton farm (mud glorious mud), and push up through endless field up Littleton Down. Head into setting sun through wooded upland, dropping down to meet A286 as darkness falls. Turn North to Cocking and discover Chez Reg – delightful B&B in village Tea Rooms. EN and MA arrive by ewartmobile 2 minutes after ZA JR PT and TT arrive by bike (about 8.15).
Heroic dinner at pub, breakfast 08.30 and five set off at 09.15ish. North from Cocking, then East to Graffham and through Seaford College to Barlavington, all on road. Kept on road to Bignor village, West Burton and Bury. School Fete. Rejoined SDW briefly at Amberley to use new bridge, then cut south to North Stoke and climbed gently up the road to the Burgh. Lunch was served, having been purchased at Bury shop. Through Wepham Down to Lee Farm and home via Myrtle Grove. 45 miles approx, no rain!
17 September ride
JC PT Up to tank and back.
24 September ride
PT Up Stable Lane and on to downs eastwards. Double back before reaching Cissbury-Chanctonbury track, and pass between Findon Park Farm and Gallops farm. Turn south, through Gallops Farm and back down Stable Lane. Rain stopped at 07.30, but windy and cool.
1 October ride
JR PT JC .Up Stable Lane and on to downs eastwards. Turn North on track to Chanctonbury, then cut down South-West before reaching SDW to pass through Middle Brow to the Pest House. JC catches up as we leave woods through gate. Up through field to track South to Gallops Farm and back down Stable Lane.
8 October TREK’N’BREK Steep Close (TT)
AM JR MA PT TT JC BA*. Up Stable lane to Cissbury/Chanctonbury track, then North towards Chanctonbury. Cut down South-West before reaching SDW to pass through Middle Brow to the Pest House, then up steep chalky track over crest and down into North Farm. On to A24, and over new bridge. Up through Windlesham School an then turn South to cross Long Furlong and continue up Church Hill, finally descending through Roger’s Farm to the Black Horse. Brek at Tom’s with added Billy Avery for good company.
15 October ride
AM JC. Up to Chanctonbury then to Sullington and back via Church Hill.
5 November ride
JC PT. By road to Cissbury, then along top track towards Chanctonbury, turning off down through Middle Brow to the Pest House. Along tarmac track to A24 and into Village from North.
12 November TREK’N’BREK Broadbanks
AM JR MA PT* TT JC. Up and over Cissbury and continue to the steep bit where the track splits, on to Steyning Road then proceed in a northerly direction to pick up SDW. On SDW to Chanctonbury, then down to North Farm and return along A24. PT blames illness preventing all riding except gentle downhill from Cranford to Broadbanks and back. Tipping with rain, visibility 50 yards in places; out at 08:00 back at 09:30
19 November ride
MA PT. North out of village on A24, turn right opposite Muntham and climb up to Chanctonbury. Very boggy and slippery, and cloudy at top with 25 yards visibility. Wind blew us up the hill. Turned south to Cissbury car park (mud & axle deep puddles, some 30+ yards long), and returned to Cranford for tea as rain started.
26 November ride
PT JR ZA** JC** .Complete disorder as JR deserts butchers to collect PT, then ZA appears and departs for Langmead memorial. JR and PT return to butchers and keep vigil till 08:40, then depart over Cross Lane to A24, towards Findon Valley, left at bridleway opposite Bost Hill and up to Cissbury ring. Return along top track and down past Mill house to Stable Lane. JC arrives just too late to join, and awaits the return of the riders.
3 December TREK’N’BREK Pelynt Cottage ****The Kamikaze ride****
AM JR MA PT TT ZA JC. Assembled at 08:00, and went up Stable lane to Cissbury/Chanctonbury track, then South towards Cissbury. Up wide track to the east side of the Ring, cut through the Ring and descend to Findon Valley car park. MA meets fence during descent; fortunately the relative motion between MA and barbed wire fence that is shredding the back of his jacket is stopped when a stout fencepost arrests his further progress by colliding with his head. Cross A24 and climb past Vale school to the gallops, suffering further delay as AM chats to a former pupil who has become a postman. Sumptuous brek by Julie, but curtailed by the need of some to rush off to football. It only rained when we had to go home.
10 December ride
JC PT. Up and over Cissbury and continue to the steep bit where the track splits, turn 10 left to Langmead memorial then proceed in a northerly direction on tarmac track to pick up SDW. Thorn hedge recently cut, leaving spiny debris on road. Punctures all round; PT front (4 holes mended on following Sunday night) and rear (left thorn in and it stayed up), JC front only. Stop to repair, but unsuccessful. Pump up and carry on to SDW towards Chanctonbury, branching left to cut corner and join track to Cissbury. Walked a bit. Return down Stable lane. V muddy, with windblown drizzle. Home at 10:30.
17 December ride
AM PT. By road to Cissbury, then along top track to Chanctonbury, turning on to South Downs Way. Hurtle down to A24 and cross it, then turn south just after A24 to follow track through woods to Windlesham School. Climb out of school, stopping only to fix puncture from thorn (AM), then join track southwards to Long Furlong. Cattle feeders seem to attract cowpats – axle deep muddy stuff on track at gate. Speed down Long Furlong into village, home at 09:45 31 December ride MA AM PT ZA Up School Hill, north along A24 to Muntham, then up through Muntham farm on the tarmac road. Turn North at top to meet SDW at barn, then head West and cut down to the tank. Return along muddy rutted track to Myrtle Grove farm, both ZA and PT falling in “mud ballet”, much to the amusement of AM. Take tarmac road from Myrtle Grove to the pumping station on Long Furlong, then wind up Long Furlong and back into village. Out at 08:10, back 09:55 cold, dry and clear, and frosty in the hollow before the pumping station.