2011.08 August
Saturday 6 August 2011
PT, MA, PT (brother of RT), Ed, RT, CB, JR, FL and AC gathered to survey the now-recumbent Findon sign post, tastefully arranged in a horizontal styling across Pond Green by a late-night rioter, and set off for a 4 peaks circuit the easy way (Cissbury first). Adam sprinted up the hills, his first outing with the FGCC now an amusing memory. Ed, on a last-minute training session before the SDW ride, completed the circuit in true Meadie fashion by restricting himself to just the 2 gears. After a team photo at Cissbury
all safely completed the track to Chanctonbury and the steep descent to the A24.
The peleton then split, with some taking the short route via Windlesham to make it a 3.5 peak ride, and all met at the gun club gate for the treacherous ride down Collarbone alley and over Church Hill.
Up Steep Lane to Nepcroft for a splendid brek chez RT, Carole’s signature corn fritters fully up to expectation, and Emily adopting the waitressing role with enthusiasm (albeit not in a natty nautical rig to match Carole). GD wandered in after brek, and was royally provided for in the spirit of Nepcroft hospitality.
A delightful morning, although only 9.5 miles (for 3.5 peaks) and 1164 feet climbed.
Saturday 13 August 2011
CB, RT, FL, & Ed Whatsissurname.
Slight delay in departure as we awaited Mr Roche who had insisted the evening before that he would be out for a ride in the morning, but did not appear – maybe something to do with the drizzly weather.
Setting off up A24 to North farm and up to Chanctonbury, Ed decided to take out RT just as he was hopping onto the footpath just alongside the old firestation. Soft landing on the grass for RT, but a few grazes from the road for Ed. Although very misty, all decided to remove waterproof jackets at the top of the first hill (except FL who continued to feel he was in Siberia), and the rest of the ride was dry. However, the track was damp providing a new experience for Ed -green chalk – who had several slips by the time we arrived at Chanctonbury.
On to Langmead with some concern that CB and RT had lost the others in the mist, then down the concrete road, at a somewhat slower pace than usual, and the road route to Lancing College. Up the bridleway to Lancing clump, the near- death-sounding gasps from Ed, along with several more rut/chalk falls confirmed that it was just as well that the proposed SDW ride for the following Monday had been postponed.
Direct to Cissbury car park along the new motorway bridlepath, and back to the VH for a brek (for RT, CB & FL), but a little early requiring a long wait before an excellent brek arrived, while a somewhat wrecked-looking Ed returned home for family duties!
Total distance 18miles, but no idea of the height climbed as no satmap.
Saturday 20 August 2011
The Monarch’s way to Shoreham.
Saturday 27 August 2011
CB found no Gentlemen in the Square at the appointed hour, so returned home and went for a run instead. The afternoon/evening BBQ was better attended!
No miles and no feet officially climbed. A rare event indeed