Soggy November BDN ride

BDN (Busy doing nothing) Tuesday rides continue in spite of the on-going storm season, though fortunately this week’s weather presented riders with glorious sunshine, even if a bit windy (in contrast to Saturday’s ride in torrential rain and gales). Nevertheless there were plenty of soggy patches on tracks even on tracks at the tops of the Downs.

Route from Findon, up through the Crem to head to the SDW and on to Amberley Mount viewing the extensive flooding at Pulborough:

Any thoughts of going across the field to climb Bury Hill were quickly ended due to the flooding, so we continued up the track to Whitewalls and then onto road to Arundel at the A27 and then Ford Road to LA for a brek at the Yacht club.

Return journey via the seafront to enjoy the sunny scene and then up Grand Avenue and onto Mill Lane and Findon Gallops for a total ride length of 30 miles