2010 APM minutes
Messrs PT, JR, MA, FL, KBS, GD, DS, ZA, CB & RT present, with AC in attendance to his usual fine standard.
Showing their mettle and determination to attend, KBS fought his way out of the snow-bound Tolmere using his cross-country skis, and ZA cycled from Rustington taking on the sliding traffic on icy roads to get to the meeting.
Threatened with an early closure of the Snooty Fox business was concluded in as efficient a manner as usual working off the draft calendar. The only changes from the draft calendar are NGN, Downslink, Tank T&B and Reg 17!
A new one-day ride was proposed by Mr Roche – the North West Passage. Debate ensued as to whether it should be described as the South East passage. As this event would be held in August, Mr Budd kindly offered to host a barbeque after the ride.
It was felt that more EPM’s are needed prior to rides in order to ensure that the finer details are covered, and concern being expressed at the lack of events in the last three months it was agreed that more training rides should be introduced – the fact that one would need to take a breakfast at establishments such as the Orchards or in Arundel would be merely incidental.
The revised calendar would be added to the website later.
After the meeting, due to the planned early closure of the Snooty Fox, gentlemen transferred to the welcoming atmosphere of the Gurkha Tandoori for a splendid meal, accompanied by refreshing Gurkha beer. Messrs Avery and Snelson kindly provided taxi services through the ice and snow, DS demonstrating the capabilities of a 4×4 tank.