APM minutes of meeting
All please note that RT had omitted the delayed NGN to 30th January from the draft calendar. It should be noted that previous summonses stand.
C2C dates had been set previously, but all please note that the draft calendar should have stated the start date as being the Wednesday 22nd – eta 10.00am.
Downslink as per calendar – JR to PM as he has ideas for going in a straight line, though PT suggested that the minutes should state that JR is going straight this year.
JR advised that in the interests of continuing TEMKEK he has given Lyn a list of improvements that she can undertake through 2009.
It was agreed that IOW should be shortened to 3 days only starting on 3rd June – RT to PM. Accomodation in Hythe strongly recommended.
Much discussion on whether ride to Reg should be accompanied by a gala dinner, even moving NGN to this location. However, tradition prevailed and a celebratory dinner at Moonlight cottages will take place instead in honour of our hosts.
Turvey House ride being postponed to October 24th means that we can particularly enjoy autumn colours.
Season to be concluded with Not Gala Night presentations.
Items to be decided upon later:
1. Where to take tea on the new Downslink ride.
2. How to transport a polypin of Harveys to Parkhead Station, Stanhope, Co.Durham, given Harvey’s inability to deliver to Cocking. Alternatively what local brew to organise to provide suitable refreshments – MA search of the Good Beer guide suggested Bishop’s Blessing – www.wear-valley-brewery.co.uk. Alternatively Angus, being one of the locals, should be in a position to give serious guidance on this matter. Meanwhile PT plans to visit long-lost aunt who lives close to the C2C route.
3. ZA/PT to organise another visit to the Streat Brewery.
4. ZA to check whether brother Daniel would like to take first reserve for C2C in case of any cancellations.
Meeting concluded at 22.52 with thanks to James of the Findon Manor for the refreshments provided during the evening.