Annual planning meeting 2019
Another successful planning meeting held in the Tajdar followed by a nightcap at the Village House.
The first item on the agenda was the hotly contested bling award for attendance on rides, with statistics meticulously collected, prepared and presented by Mr Topley. Keeping everyone on tenterhooks Mr Topley advised the number of rides, total distance and heights climbed in ascending order, finally revealing that the latest winner of this coveted award was Mr Thomas, retrieving it back from Mr Kruger (who probably would have retained the award had he not been involved in so much regime change around the world during the year). The runner up was Mr Roche who had apparently climbed around 17,000ft more than Mr Thomas, leading to debate about the need for algorithms to be included in the detailed calculations for the award:

The next item was the long ride for 2019. Mr Kersley had undertaken extensive and impressive research into a ride on the Oxford Ridgeway (aka the Halloumi ride) and after some debate it was agreed that this would take place in April rather than May. A show of hands indicated that there would be around 6 or 7 up for the ride and TK agreed to continue to be the Project Manager.
The remainder of the calendar was completed in time for the arrival of the meal – yes it took that long – and the calendar updated and posted on the website prior to the next morning’s ride – see FGCC 2019 calendar.